Darwin - Today

Forecast issued at 5:20 am CST on Sunday 16 February 2025.

Forecast for the rest of Sunday - Partly cloudy. High chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Light winds becoming westerly 15 to 20 km/h in the early afternoon then becoming light in the late afternoon. Possible rainfall: 2 to 25 mm Chance of any rain: 80%

Showers. Possible storm. Max 31

Belyuen Max 32     Berrimah Max 31
Berry Springs Max 32     Coolalinga Max 32
Darwin Airport Max 31     Dundee Beach Max 31
Howard Springs Max 32     Humpty Doo Max 32
Nightcliff Max 31     Noonamah Max 32
Palmerston Max 32     Wagait Beach Max 31

Fire Danger
Darwin and Adelaide River: No Rating
Northern Fire Protection Area: No Rating
Sun protection recommended from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, UV Index predicted to reach 14 [Extreme]

more Monday Showers. Possible storm. Min 25 Max 31
Tuesday Showers. Min 25 Max 32
Wednesday Shower or two. Min 25 Max 33
Thursday Shower or two. Possible storm. Min 25 Max 32
Friday Shower or two. Min 25 Max 32
Saturday Shower or two. Min 25 Max 32

Current Temperature 24.0

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All forecasts and temperatures are sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology
